Lessons of Life_02
It has been a tumultuous start to 2025. Challenging & tough; but as the saying goes - what doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger. Travelled with frenetic pace from Rajkot to Durgapur due to a family medical emergency. Spent 20 days at home, better part of it in hospital and the rest connecting with friends, neighbours, loved ones and memories - which rejuvenates me like nothing else. Sharing my learnings of this small episode of life: 1. Emergencies are not planned and an unavoidable part of life. Being calm in the chaos is a skill, which helps loads in such situations. Focusing on the controllables & letting go of the uncontrollable ones is again a character trait that needs to be developed as one grows up. Daily spending some time meditating can be a great way to develop both these skills. 2. Taking the right decision at the perfect time , not before and surely not after is again a great skill to have. True test of managerial skills - as you never have complete d...