Relationship - What Are You in?

Nowadays, “in a relationship” is a cool word. People, especially teenagers find it extremely attracted to this word. It means probably you are “cool” or “good-looking” enough to have a boy-friend / girlfriend. Well, nothing wrong in my opinion, but that then after the initial excitement, when it’s time to explore the “depths” of the relationship (Ref:: “ Grown Ups ”), it abruptly changes to “single” or “complicated” again! Well, I thought of "relationship" in an entirely different way, as I experienced today. A true and mutual relationship happens only if there is one non-negotiable element, “Whenever one feels good / special / comfortable with the other person” , then that bond happens. That I feel, is the underlying aspect for all relationships; be it between kids and parents, friends, couples or for that matter in business as well! Also in businesses, though you deal with products (or in this new “customer is the king” world; services), eventually it is either a ‘he...