The Early Steps - Journey of Education (Part I)

My School , Durgapur was the first step into the education journey of my life. It was a school just off my locality where all my senior cousins had gone and I followed suit. There was one Prafulla Sir I remember, who would point out the tree I was dangling to whoever came to pick me up when school was over. Barring that, I hardly remember, anything of studies... Probably was boring enough! I moved to Salt Lake Nursery School, Calcutta for my Kindergarten section. I remember my father went alongside me and got me admitted. There was hardly a racket then for admission as it is now. We were three / four students in the section and probably got the fullest attention from teachers. I recall, one particular incident, when a teacher rebuked me for not carrying a handkerchief as I sweated enough. I presume it to be a learning which was far better & lasting than anything which I could gather from the books! Though it was a sweet but small stint in the school, before soon enough de...