Lessons of Life_01

The experience is from my MBA days. There were loads of assignments in those two years and we always struggled with the punishing timelines.The decision to join the course rested solely with me and I felt that much needed determination, which I rarely had felt before in my education career. Probably in my exuberance to excel, I always pushed myself / my team to complete all assignments well before time; in fact a tad too early, now that I reflect. I earned the reputation of an early-finisher; however, it was not long enough since I understood I / my Team was consistently underachieving with respect to grades. First year went by, and I was left pondering as to why I couldn't reach the levels of perfection as I aspired for. I decided to observe... and then the breakthrough came while watching a colleague ( Suyog Markandey ) during internship. I always had this knack of rushing through the job, being a hands on sort of person, I believed in completing fast (best efforts ...