A Discourse on Religion

In one of the recent Bollywood movies, "Oh My God", the protagonist is asked by an interviewer: "what is religion to you? and he replies, "Religion is which makes people helpless or a terrorist." There's another important thought mentioned: "We're a 'God-Fearing' Society and not a 'God-Loving one". No doubt, the topic in itself is much controversial and the penned thoughts may only add fuel to the fire. I am from a devout Hindu household - learned to bow before the many Gods & Goddesses, celebrate all the religious festivals with pomp and fervour - but I was also taught few simple ideas at my home, my school and probably more in the environment that I grew up in, which I believe is far more important: 1. "Humanity" always comes first . 2. Trying to be a better version of yourself - to fathom the reason of one's existence, and also to chart which path will lead you to it I truly learnt to appreciate t...