God Bless Zee Cafe!

I have been watching news every morning to keep myself abreast of the latest happenings in the world. To my dismay I found that the realities of the world, especially the news about various wrongdoings of man, which every news channels covers extensively rather set a pretty gloomy image looking forward to the day. I stopped watching news in the mornings, and stuck to glancing over the good news in the newspapers.

However, in between surfing of channels, I found one show to suit my taste to perfection. Just For Laugh Gags, in Zee Cafe!


This show reveals the light hearted nature of humans. It also shows how the average human being is gullible yet good natured and can share a laugh at one's own expense.

Kudos to the producers & other team members of this production who have taken the initiative to make people laugh in this seemingly saddening world. Do watch it guys and have a laugh!


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