Origins of Racial Hatred - Our World

"Myanmar's colonial rulers -- as they did throughout the world -- played ethnic groups against each other, boosting the Christian Karen and other non-Buddhist minorities and importing large numbers of Indian and Chinese workers. As Suu Kyi herself wrote in 1988, "the practice of encouraging the differences between the various racial groups was to have sad consequences for the independent nation of the future." - CNN (Dec 14, 2019) How many countries had the British destroyed with the all pervasive "Divide & Rule" policy; how many ethnic divides they could take advantage of, pitted against one another and destroying the humanity in all of them. As we are saddled today, with hate amongst races, crimes against humanity - I cannot but wonder what would the future of the world be - if the all conquering "British Empire" hadn't done what they had done. For their own selfish gains they thrust Hindus / Muslims / Buddhists / Native Religion practi...