2021 Memoirs

In another two hours, 2022 sets in. Another year, another chapter of our lives comes at an end - while another one begins. A difficult year in general for this planet - CoVID's variants continue to terrorize the planet, many nations continue to struggle with economic distress, political indecisiveness (Afghanistan / Migrants issue in EU / Climate Change issues etc.) continues to cost lives of innocents... amidst all gloom, little acts of humanity, compassion, love by common human beings continue to inspire us all.

My nation, 🇮🇳 reeled in the 2nd wave of CoVID. Deaths & loss became a part of our lives and continue to haunt those of us who lost their near and dear ones. We may be on the path of economic recovery or our forex reserves may have been burgeoning, but it pales in comparison with the humane loss that we suffered - which I believe in a way could have been prevented. I pray for the departed souls and wish that their near & dear ones be bestowed with the strength to cope with the loss. India must be compassionate, must remember and learn from the same.

On a personal front, one of the best years of my life - with our daughter entering our lives. Both my wife & myself have enjoyed every bit and though we would have loved to have our close ones besides us - facing the journey ourselves has been an immense learning experience. We lived the quote: "whatever doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger", as my wife & daughter fought off CoVID with determination & spirit. I have always had immense belief in God, not religion mind you, but the belief that there's one who always has your back - and this year has further consolidated that belief. I am immensely grateful.

Another important lifestyle change which I effected this year is being a vegetarian. I have been an avid foodie throughout - gluttony will be one sin which I will be most guilty of - however, to be honest, I surprised myself that I could for the better part of the year, stay off non-veg. My sister who chose this path few months before me has been an inspiration. Guess, when you own a decision, be motivated by the right reasons rather than being forced, have a constant inspiration - you can achieve the improbable.

A very challenging year professionally; this extreme VUCA environment has taken toll on most of the business - a real test of adaptability and the attribute of "digging deep". Would like to share one small piece of advice which was received from one of our leaders whom I consider a mentor: "anticipate" - it took me some time to fathom it's relevance, especially during these times and have been trying to act accordingly since then. I believe, the ability to anticipate the concerned future, the willingness to take proactive action and the ability to execute will be the key for businesses to thrive.

CoVID is not going to go away and 2021 taught us that we have to be mindful for our own selves as for our fellow beings. It also has taught us to start living our lives - maybe with a little bit more compassion, love and cherishing each and every moment with our loved ones! 

Au revoir 2021 & Godspeed one and all!


  1. Darun lekha ta bhai.. khub proud r bhalo lagche ei vebe j We are friends . God speed bondhu. Happy new year to you and your family . Looking fwd to meet you this year..

    1. Thank You Sankhya. See you soon.


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